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 Company history
  and philosophy

 Raw Materials Resources

 Engineering Geology
  and Hydrogeology

 Environmental Geology

  Raw Materials Resources Investigation  

Some of the representative projects

Project Investor Year
The General Survey of Al-ternative Building Materials in Selected COMESA Countries. Action Programme to Support the Building Materials Sub - sectors in the COMESA Countries. Terminal Report, Project TF/RAF/90/902, UNIDO Vienna Keramoprojekt Trenčín j.s.c. 1995
Čavoj - Gápeľ, Ag - Pb - Zn ores, geological survey Ministry of Environment SR 1995
Malá Magura - Suchý , sillimanite minerals, geological survey Ministry of Environment SR 1996
Feasibility Study for the Reconstruction and Expansion of Chilanga Cement Plant, Zambia. Terminal report, project TF/RAF/90/902, UNIDO Vienna PIO Keramoprojekt Trenčín j.s.c. 1996
Raw Materials for Contamined Environment Remediation Ministry of Environment SR 1998
Feasibility Study for the Industrial Extraction of the Perlite from Egeralyta Deposit, Djibouti (ETUDE DE FAISABILITE POUR L'EXPLOITATION INDUSTRIELLE DE LA PERLITE DU GISEMENT D'EGERALAYTA, RAPPORT FINAL), Project XA/DJI/96/621, ONUDI, VIENNE PIO Keramoprojekt Trenčín j.s.c. 1998
Engineering Design of the Limestone Quarry Opening And Programming of the Quarrying, SAUDI ARABIA PIO Keramoprojekt Trenčín j.s.c. 1999
Beluša, Jabloňové, Vrícko - Estimation and Evaluation of Building Stones Deposits Resources Cestné stavby j.s.c. Žilina 1999
Evaluation of the Chemical Composition of KHASM MI´DAD Deposit Limestone, SAUDI ARABIA PIO Keramoprojekt Trenčín j.s.c. 2000
Survey of Raw Materials for the Ecological Mineral Pigments Preparation Ministry of Environment SR 2000
Zuberec - Podspády - Estimation and Evaluation of Building Stone Deposit Cestné stavby j.s.c. Liptovský Mikuláš 2000
New Possibilities of Non-metallic Ores of Slovakia Aplication, Mainly in Environmental Protection,regional geological survey Ministry of Environment SR 2004
Dubnica - Pažite Gravels Deposit - Calculation of Reserves, Design of the Quarry Opening Urbárska obec Dubnica nad Váhom 2005
Oravská Jasenica - Freestone Quarry - evaluation of deposit GEO-P, Žilina 2005
Review of the Deposits of Gravel in the Selected Districts : Považská Bystrica, Bytča, Žilina, Martin, Ružomberok, Liptovský Mikuláš Kamenivo Slovakia j.s.c. Bytča 2005
Hričovské Podhradie - Strážov - Raw Materials for Highway Construction J&P AVAX, Greece 2005
Zongor - Limestone, Calculation of Reserves Technické služby Ltd., Nové Mesto nad Váhom 2005
Cement Raw Materials Deposits Tujon-Tau and Vodorazdelnoje, Tadžikistan - Evaluation of Deposits and Cement Factory Site PIO Keramoprojekt Trenčín j.s.c. 2005
Ružomberok - Brick Clays Raw Materials : Calculation of Reserves Wienerberger, j.s.c. Zlaté Moravce 2006
Saba Cement Plant, Yemen Geological Reconnaisance Report of Cement Raw Materials CzMT AG Berlin 2007
Cemmac, j.s.c. Horné Srnie – Calculation of Cement Raw Materials Reserves Cemmac, j.s.c. Horné Srnie 2008
   PROGEO spol. s r.o. Žilina, 1994 - 2009