SK Slovenská verzia        EN English version  
 Company history
  and philosophy

 Raw Materials Resources

 Engineering Geology
  and Hydrogeology

 Environmental Geology


Some of the representative projects

Project Investor Year
PCHZ Žilina (Chemical company), soil and groundwater contamination investigation PCHZ, j.s.c., Žilina 1997
TESCO Banská Bystrica - engineering geological survey and environmental audit of site TESCO Bratislava 1998
Žilina - Považský Chlmec - design and realization of city landfill monitoring system T+T, Ltd., Žilina 1998
Environmental Study of the Kysucký Lieskovec landfill Kysucký Lieskovec Local Authority 1998
Raw Materials for Contamined Environment Remediation, geological survey Ministry of Environment SR 1998
Čadca - Milošová - hazardous waste landfill - review of the site contamination POKROK Čadca 1998
Turzovka - Semeteš, monitoring of landfill Turzovka City 1997-1999
Bytča - Mikšová, evaluation of landfill T + T, Ltd., Žilina 2000
Sverepec - operational schedule of landfill Považská Bystrica City 2000
PREFA - Sučany, waste landfill - EIA report judgment PREFA, j.s.c., Sučany 2000
Žerucha 2 - EIA report - phase I. - forest road PONGRÁCZ, Ltd., Žilina 2000
Liptovská Kokava - EIA report - phase I. - geothermal complex evaluation CEMA, Ltd., Čadca 2001
Trenčín- Zlatovce - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) Albainvest, Ltd., Trenčín 2002
Matsushita Audio-Video Slovakia Ltd. - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) MAV Slovakia, Ltd., Krompachy 2003
Terchová - water supply from Krivánska Rizňa - EIA report - phase I. SVS, j.s.c., Žilina 2003
LIDL Dolný Kubín - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) LIDL, Ltd., Nemšová 2004
PONGRÁCZ Ltd. - accessing of the forest crop - EIA report - phase II. PONGRÁCZ, Ltd., Žilina 2004
Maps of the Environmental Geological Factors - Kysuca (NW Slovakia) region Ministry of Environment SR 2004
Quarry Sihoť - Hliník nad Váhom - Exploitation of Gravel - EIA report - phase I. and II. Slovštrk, Ltd. Bratislava 2005
Neografia - stredisko Priekopa - I. etapa modernizácie - EIA report - phase I. and II. Neografia, j.s.c. Martin 2005
Rekonštrukcia ČS PHM Považská Bystrica - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) Slovnaft, j.s.c. Bratislava 2005
Bánovce nad Bebravou – Sewerage - streets Textilná and K Zornici - environmental evaluation of environmental geological factors City Bánovce nad Bebravou 2006
Quarry Sihoť za Váhom II - EIA report phase I. for gravel exploitation Slovštrk Ltd. Bratislava 2006
Oblazov – Sihoť – deepening of gravel exploitation - EIA report phase I. review for gravel exploitation Obchod s palivami Ltd. Žilina 2007
TR 110/22 kV Zvolen- Lieskovec survey of the environmental geological factors SSE j.s.c. Žilina 2007
Monitoring of Underground Water Dolvap Varín – monitoring of geological environmental factors DOLVAP Ltd. Varín 2007
Dubnica nad Váhom - R 110 kV - survey of the environmental geological factors SSE, j.s.c Žilina 2008
Timoradza – monitoring of underground water inside of water supply protection zone - monitoring of environmental geological factors OÚ Timoradza 2008
Terchová - Krivánska Rizňa - monitoring of water inlet to environment SeVaK j.s.c. Žilina 2004-2008
LIDL Trenčín Sihoť - survey of environmental geological factors LIDL, v.o.s. Trenčín 2009
   PROGEO spol. s r.o. Žilina, 1994 - 2009