Project | Investor | Year |
PCHZ Žilina (Chemical company), soil and groundwater contamination investigation | PCHZ, j.s.c., Žilina | 1997 |
TESCO Banská Bystrica - engineering geological survey and environmental audit of site | TESCO Bratislava | 1998 |
Žilina - Považský Chlmec - design and realization of city landfill monitoring system | T+T, Ltd., Žilina | 1998 |
Environmental Study of the Kysucký Lieskovec landfill | Kysucký Lieskovec Local Authority | 1998 |
Raw Materials for Contamined Environment Remediation, geological survey | Ministry of Environment SR | 1998 |
Čadca - Milošová - hazardous waste landfill - review of the site contamination | POKROK Čadca | 1998 |
Turzovka - Semeteš, monitoring of landfill | Turzovka City | 1997-1999 |
Bytča - Mikšová, evaluation of landfill | T + T, Ltd., Žilina | 2000 |
Sverepec - operational schedule of landfill | Považská Bystrica City | 2000 |
PREFA - Sučany, waste landfill - EIA report judgment | PREFA, j.s.c., Sučany | 2000 |
Žerucha 2 - EIA report - phase I. - forest road | PONGRÁCZ, Ltd., Žilina | 2000 |
Liptovská Kokava - EIA report - phase I. - geothermal complex evaluation | CEMA, Ltd., Čadca | 2001 |
Trenčín- Zlatovce - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) | Albainvest, Ltd., Trenčín | 2002 |
Matsushita Audio-Video Slovakia Ltd. - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) | MAV Slovakia, Ltd., Krompachy | 2003 |
Terchová - water supply from Krivánska Rizňa - EIA report - phase I. | SVS, j.s.c., Žilina | 2003 |
LIDL Dolný Kubín - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) | LIDL, Ltd., Nemšová | 2004 |
PONGRÁCZ Ltd. - accessing of the forest crop - EIA report - phase II. | PONGRÁCZ, Ltd., Žilina | 2004 |
Maps of the Environmental Geological Factors - Kysuca (NW Slovakia) region | Ministry of Environment SR | 2004 |
Quarry Sihoť - Hliník nad Váhom - Exploitation of Gravel - EIA report - phase I. and II. | Slovštrk, Ltd. Bratislava | 2005 |
Neografia - stredisko Priekopa - I. etapa modernizácie - EIA report - phase I. and II. | Neografia, j.s.c. Martin | 2005 |
Rekonštrukcia ČS PHM Považská Bystrica - survey of the environmental geological factors (environmental audit) | Slovnaft, j.s.c. Bratislava | 2005 |
Bánovce nad Bebravou – Sewerage - streets Textilná and K Zornici - environmental evaluation of environmental geological factors | City Bánovce nad Bebravou | 2006 |
Quarry Sihoť za Váhom II - EIA report phase I. for gravel exploitation | Slovštrk Ltd. Bratislava | 2006 |
Oblazov – Sihoť – deepening of gravel exploitation - EIA report phase I. review for gravel exploitation | Obchod s palivami Ltd. Žilina | 2007 |
TR 110/22 kV Zvolen- Lieskovec survey of the environmental geological factors | SSE j.s.c. Žilina | 2007 |
Monitoring of Underground Water Dolvap Varín – monitoring of geological environmental factors | DOLVAP Ltd. Varín | 2007 |
Dubnica nad Váhom - R 110 kV - survey of the environmental geological factors | SSE, j.s.c Žilina | 2008 |
Timoradza – monitoring of underground water inside of water supply protection zone - monitoring of environmental geological factors | OÚ Timoradza | 2008 |
Terchová - Krivánska Rizňa - monitoring of water inlet to environment | SeVaK j.s.c. Žilina | 2004-2008 |
LIDL Trenčín Sihoť - survey of environmental geological factors | LIDL, v.o.s. Trenčín | 2009 |